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Veit is a French/German national who lives in Glasgow. Since coming to Scotland, his childhood passion for drawing and painting has been reignited. He has discovered the great tradition of Scottish painting, in particular the Scottish Colourists and all the artists who, up until today, have followed in their path. A few invaluable evening classes at the Glasgow School of Art taught Veit the basics, but he is largely self-taught.

His admiration for these artists has influenced the way Veit works. He likes to paint a variety of subjects and always paints directly from life, in the studio or “en plein air”. Painting a model before the time is up, flowers before they have wilted, or the constantly changing Scottish landscape is always a challenge and, sometimes, it can be frustrating but when a painting comes together, he finds it absolutely exhilarating, joyful and life affirming.

Please explore the Artists's portfolio,  Click the image to enlarge


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday - 12.00 to 5.30pm

Sunday - 1.00 to 5.00pm

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Permission is explicitly denied for any republication of text or photographs in this site without the prior express written consent of the Artist and/or Gallery Owner. This includes publishing in print and on the internet for commercial or non-commercial purposes.

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